
Transform Memories of Your Mom into a Loving Tribute With The #1 Eulogy Writing Service

Turn your treasured memories of Mom into a heartfelt eulogy with MemoryCherish. Our professional eulogy writers have crafted over 8,149 unique mother eulogies, each delivered in 24 hours or less. Trust in our no-risk money-back guarantee and let us write a funeral speech that truly honors your mother.

Was $289 Now Only $197

Stand Out from the Crowd with an Epic Tribute

Don’t follow the crowd by copying generic eulogies from Google. With our professional eulogy writing service, you can rest assured that your eulogy will be crafted with care and respect and that your mother will be remembered in a meaningful and lasting way.

As you navigate the emotional and challenging process of saying goodbye to your mother, the last thing you should worry about is crafting the perfect eulogy. That’s where MemoryCherish comes in.

At MemoryCherish, we guarantee that you will receive a high-quality and well-crafted eulogy in a timely manner. We understand that time is of the essence, which is why we have a team of eulogy writers available 24/7 to ensure that you get the best quality eulogy as quickly as possible.

Why Choose Us?

Bespoke Eulogies: No Templates, Just Stories

We never use templates in our eulogy writing process. Our dedicated team of writers crafts every eulogy from scratch, focusing on the unique person's life story and cherished memories. Whether it's the funny story your father told at every family gathering, or the song lyric that always made your best friend smile, we'll work with you to create a meaningful eulogy that truly honors your loved one.

Unlimited Revisions: We Fine-Tune Until It Feels Right

We understand that capturing the essence of a person's life in a single speech can be challenging. That's why we offer unlimited revisions to ensure that every detail is perfect, and every memory is honored. Whether it's adding a funny story about the deceased person, changing a tribute to a close friend, or highlighting career achievements, we'll revise until you feel it's right.

Money-Back Guarantee: Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction

We're confident in our ability to deliver a well-written eulogy that brings comfort and closure. However, if you're not completely satisfied with our service, we offer a money-back guarantee. This is our commitment to your peace of mind during this difficult time.

Expert Eulogy Writers: Professional, Compassionate, Experienced

At MemoryCherish, our team of expert eulogy writers brings more than just writing skills to the table. We understand that writing a funeral speech during a time of loss is a delicate task. That's why our team is committed to bringing empathy, skill, and a deep understanding of the grieving process to each project. With decades of experience in crafting meaningful eulogies, we ensure every word pays the right tribute to your loved one's life.

How It Works: Crafting Your Mother's Eulogy

Step 1: Share Your Stories

Our process begins by asking you questions about your mother. We want to learn about her personality, their cherished memories, their favorite memories, and their life embodied. We'll take the time to understand the nuances that made them special to you.

Step 2: Crafting the Eulogy

Next, our professional eulogy writers weave your memories and stories into a draft eulogy. We'll incorporate key points, such as personal anecdotes, a tribute to your mother's life, and reflections on their impact on their friends and family.

Step 3: Review and Revise

Once the draft is complete, we share it with you for review. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to write a eulogy. We encourage you to take your time and ask for any changes you feel necessary.

Begin Your Eulogy Journey Today

When you’re ready to honor your mother’s life with a heartfelt eulogy, we’re here to help. Start your journey today with MemoryCherish, and let’s pay tribute to your loved one together. 

What Our Clients Say

We take pride in providing a service that brings comfort and closure to our clients during their time of grief. Through our eulogy writing service, we’ve had the esteemed honor of helping countless family members and close friends pay a heartfelt tribute to their departed loved ones. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some testimonials from those we’ve had the privilege to assist:

"Writing a eulogy for my mom was really tough. I was just so sad and lost. I didn't know how to put my feelings into words. That's when I found MemoryCherish. They were so kind and understanding. They helped me talk about my mom's love for baking, her great sense of humor, and how much she cared for our family. The final eulogy was just perfect. It really felt like my mom. It helped me a lot. I'm so thankful for MemoryCherish."
- Martha O'Reilly
55, Retired Schoolteacher
"Losing my mom was like a punch to the gut. I was supposed to write the eulogy, but I just couldn't do it. The pressure was too much. How could I fit all my mom's love and wisdom into a few minutes? Then I found MemoryCherish. They didn't just write a speech; they really got who my mom was, her love for life, and her guidance. It felt so personal and real. It was just right. MemoryCherish helped me honor my mom the way she deserved to be remembered."
- Jackson Perez
32, Entrepreneur
"I was really struggling to write a eulogy for my mom. It was so hard to find the right words during such a sad time. I decided to try MemoryCherish, hoping they could help. And they really did. They wrote a eulogy that was so touching and really showed my mom's strength and kindness. They captured everything that made my mom special and how much she meant to everyone. With MemoryCherish's help, I was able to give my mom the tribute she deserved. I'm really grateful for that."
- Amelia Chen
28, Financial Analyst

About Us

Our Journey as Eulogy Writers

Our journey began with a simple mission: to honor the lives of the deceased and support their family members through the grieving process. With each eulogy we write, we are reminded of the profound impact a person's life can have on their loved ones. From career achievements to personal anecdotes, every life is a story worth telling.

As we've grown and evolved, we've had the privilege of helping numerous families find solace in preserving their loved one's memories. Each funeral speech we write is a testament to the beautiful complexity of a person's life and the legacy they leave behind.

Our Commitment to Helping You

Our commitment extends beyond writing a eulogy. We understand the daunting task of public speaking, especially during a funeral or memorial service. That's why we offer guidance on how to deliver a eulogy speech with poise and confidence.

We emphasize the importance of speaking slowly and clearly, so that every cherished memory, every funny story, every tribute to the deceased person resonates with friends and family. We believe in the therapeutic power of sharing favorite memories, of shedding light on the person's life, and of saying that final goodbye.

Our Team of Compassionate and Experienced Writers

Meet our team of professional eulogy writers who bring empathy, understanding, and skill to every eulogy they write. Our writers are available 24/7, ready to listen, to empathize, and to transform your memories into a meaningful eulogy. Their expertise goes beyond writing funeral speeches. They are your partners in the grieving process, offering comfort and understanding during this challenging time. Whether it's recalling a funny thing your mom gave you or sharing a father telling stories, our writers ensure your eulogy is a beautiful tribute to your loved one's life.

It's never easy to write about death, but our team is committed to helping you navigate through this difficult task. We understand that there's no right or wrong way to grieve, and we're here to provide a comforting presence as you pay tribute to your loved one. Let us help you create a eulogy that captures the essence of your loved one's life, one that not only serves as a remembrance speech but also aids in your healing journey.

Paying Tribute: Your Mother Deserves the Best

Every life embodied unique experiences, and every eulogy should reflect that. That's why we dedicate our skills and understanding to writing a eulogy that truly honors your loved one. We pay close attention to the key points you want to include, be it a funny story, a song lyric, or a career achievement. We strive to create a great eulogy that not only pays tribute to the deceased but also offers solace to the grieving family and friends. We believe that every life story deserves the best tribute, and we're here to help you create just that.

Funeral Speech Examples:
A Glimpse into Our Craft

At MemoryCherish, we take pride in our ability to capture the essence of a person’s life in a touching eulogy. Here, you can explore some eulogy examples that showcase our craft and commitment to honoring every individual’s unique life story.

This eulogy example beautifully encapsulates a mother’s love and devotion to her family. It delves into fond memories of her nurturing spirit, her cherished recipes, and the life lessons she passed onto her children.

Dear friends and family,

We gather here today to celebrate the life of an extraordinary woman – my mother, Elizabeth Ann Carter, or as many of you lovingly knew her, Betty.

Betty was born on a crisp fall day in 1942 in a small town in Missouri. The youngest of six children, she learned early on the importance of family, love, and the joy of a well-cooked meal. This was a lesson she carried with her throughout her life and one she instilled in me and my siblings, Jane and Michael.

As we stand here at this memorial service, I want to share the essence of my mother – a woman of steadfast love, resilience, and a culinary magician who could transform the simplest ingredients into a feast for kings.

Betty was a beacon of strength and stability in our family. She was our North Star, guiding us through the storms of life with her unwavering love and support. There wasn’t a problem too big or too small that she wouldn’t tackle head-on. She was a woman who believed in the power of perseverance, the value of hard work, and the necessity of kindness. Her life was a testament to these values, and she passed them on to us – not just through her words, but by living them every day.

One of my fondest memories of my mother is her in the kitchen. She was an artist, her medium, food, and her kitchen, her studio. The scent of her famous apple pie wafting through the house was enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Cooking was more than just a daily task for her; it was an act of love. Each meal was her way of nurturing us, of saying “I love you” without uttering a word. Her recipes were not just a list of ingredients and steps, but a collection of love letters to her family.

But the essence of my mother cannot be captured merely by speaking of her culinary prowess. Betty was a woman of immense wisdom, her life lessons invaluable. She taught us that the measure of a person was not in their wealth or status, but in their kindness and compassion. “Remember,” she’d often say, “it costs nothing to be kind, but the rewards are priceless.”

Betty had an innate ability to connect with people, to make them feel seen and valued. She treated everyone with respect, whether it was the mailman, the grocery store clerk, or the family doctor. This was her way, and it’s something that deeply resonated with me. It was a simple lesson in humanity, one that I’ve strived to implement in my life.

When the news of her death reached us, it was like a light had gone out. But as I stand here today, I realize that her light hasn’t gone out at all. It lives on in each of us – in the lessons she taught us, the love she gave us, and the memories we shared.

Her legacy is not just me, Jane, or Michael, but every life she touched, every person she helped, and every heart she warmed with her kindness. This is her true legacy, one that will carry on long after we say our goodbyes today.

In the quiet moments, when I miss her the most, I find comfort in the memories we shared. I remember her laughter echoing through our home, the smell of her apple pie filling the air, and the feel of her hand in mine. In these moments, I realize she’s not gone. She lives on in each of us, in the values she instilled, the love she shared, and the family she held together with her unwavering strength.

Today, as we say our goodbyes, let’s not dwell on the grief of our loss but celebrate the life of a remarkable woman who touched us all deeply. Let’s remember her not with sadness, but with the joy, love, and warmth she brought into our lives.

Her life was a beautiful journey, filled with love, resilience, and devotion. She was a mother, a wife, a sister, and a friend. But above all, she was a beacon of unwavering love and strength. It is this love and strength that we will carry with us, honoring her memory by living the values she held dear.

There’s a saying that goes, “a mother’s love is a sanctuary, where we can always find comfort.” This was true for Betty. Her love was a sanctuary for us – a place of comfort, warmth, and safety. Even in her final days, she continued to worry about us, her nurturing spirit as strong as ever.

When I think of my mother, I think of her hands – strong yet gentle, worn from work yet comforting. These hands held us when we were infants, cooked meals to nourish us, wiped away our tears, and applauded our successes. These hands were the physical manifestation of her love and devotion.

If I could sum up my mother’s life in one word, it would be ‘love.’ Love for her family, her friends, her community. Even in the face of adversity, she loved fiercely and wholly.

As we leave here today, let us honor Betty’s memory by embracing her legacy of love, kindness, and resilience. Let us be the bearers of her light, spreading the warmth of her love to those around us.

In the quiet moments of reflection, when we miss her the most, let’s remember her as she was – a woman of strength, love, and endless warmth. Let’s remember her with her apron on, a twinkle in her eye, and a smile on her face, her hands lovingly preparing a meal for her family.

Let’s remember her not for her death, but for her life – a life that was a testament to the power of love, the strength of character, and the beauty of a life well-lived.

Rest in peace, dear mom. Your love, your lessons, and your legacy will continue to live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for everything.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are gathered here today to say farewell to a woman who shaped us in ways both profound and subtle. A woman who, even in her silence, spoke volumes. My mother, Marjorie Steele, was a woman of complexity, one who often kept her own counsel but whose influence was felt by all who had the fortune or misfortune to cross her path.

Marjorie was not a mother from a storybook. She didn’t bake cookies or kiss scraped knees. She didn’t coo over report cards or offer comforting words during teenage heartbreaks. She was, by her own admission, not cut from the warm and nurturing cloth that we often associate with motherhood.

But let me tell you this – Marjorie was a force of nature, a woman of iron will and unyielding determination. She was a fortress, a stalwart against the storms of life. And while her methods were often difficult to understand, her intention, her goal, was unerringly clear – to forge from the fires of her own harsh reality, a child who could withstand the rigors of life.

Marjorie came from a hard era, from circumstances that were unforgiving. She was a woman who understood, very early on, the meaning of sacrifice, the taste of hunger, the sting of loss. And it was these experiences, these trials by fire, that shaped her approach to motherhood.

I won’t stand here and tell you that it was easy growing up with Marjorie as a mother. There were days when I longed for softness, for the tender touch that my friends spoke of. But even in the absence of softness, there was strength. Even in the absence of tenderness, there was resilience. And it was these qualities that Marjorie instilled in me.

She was a woman of few words, but when she spoke, her words carried weight. They were not always kind, they were not always fair, but they were always honest. Brutally, unflinchingly honest. She believed in the power of truth, in the strength of authenticity. And while her truth was often a harsh one, it was a truth that prepared me for the world.

Marjorie was not the mother who held my hand. Instead, she was the mother who taught me how to stand on my own. She was not the mother who wiped away my tears. Instead, she was the mother who taught me how to face my fears, how to overcome my challenges, how to navigate the stormy seas of life.

In her own unique, indomitable way, Marjorie loved fiercely. Her love was not expressed in hugs or kisses, in words of praise or expressions of affection. Her love was a tough love, a love that demanded the best, a love that accepted nothing less than total commitment, total effort. It was a love that recognized potential and pushed for its realization.

As I stand here today, I realize that Marjorie’s love, her tough, demanding love, has shaped me into the person I am today. It has given me the strength to face adversity, the courage to embrace change, the resilience to bounce back from failure. It has taught me the value of hard work, the importance of authenticity, the power of perseverance.

And so, as we say our final goodbyes to Marjorie, let us not remember her for the hardness of her exterior, but for the strength of her spirit. Let us not remember her for the harshness of her words, but for the truth they carried. Let us not remember her for the absence of warmth, but for the presence of love, however it was expressed.

Marjorie, you were not the mother I wanted, but you were the mother I needed. You taught me so much, you gave me so much. And while our relationship was never an easy one, I want you to know that I understand. I understand your methods, your motives, your love.

Rest in peace, Marjorie. You were a force to be reckoned with, a woman of strength, a mother of resilience. And though your ways were often difficult to understand, I am forever grateful for the lessons you’ve taught, for the strength you’ve instilled, for the love you’ve shown.

Goodbye, mother. May your spirit find the peace you sought, the tranquility you deserved. You will be remembered, not for your toughness, but for your tenacity, not for your severity, but for your strength.

Thank you, Marjorie. For everything.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are here today to celebrate the life of a truly one-of-a-kind woman, my mother, Mildred “Millie” Hobbs. If you knew Millie, you know that she was larger than life, a woman with a quick wit, a twinkle in her eye, and an uncanny ability to find humor in every situation. And if you didn’t know her, well, I’m sorry you missed out because she was a real hoot.

From her wild and often inexplicable cooking experiments to her mismatched fashion sense that she swore was “avant-garde”, Millie was anything but ordinary. And that’s exactly how she wanted it. The day Millie decided to be normal would have been a cold day in hell, and even then, she’d have probably shown up with a space heater and a fruit salad.

Motherhood, for Millie, was not about being perfect. It was about being real. It was about letting her kids make mistakes, and then laughing with us, not at us, when we did. It was about teaching us that life was too short to take seriously all the time, that the best way to face adversity was with a good joke and an even better attitude.

Millie was the kind of mom who would show up to a parent-teacher conference wearing a feather boa and sparkly sunglasses, just to make us laugh. She was the kind of mom who would start a food fight in the middle of a fancy restaurant because the mood was too ‘stuffy’. She was the kind of mom who would encourage us to skip school once in a while to go watch a movie or enjoy a day at the beach because, as she said, “life lessons aren’t always found in textbooks.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. Millie wasn’t all jokes and laughter. She had a serious side, too. She worked hard to provide for us and to ensure that we had the best opportunities in life. She taught us about responsibility, about hard work, about the importance of standing up for what we believe in. But she always made sure that we understood one thing above all else: that life was meant to be enjoyed.

It’s hard to stand here and imagine a world without Millie’s infectious laughter, her outrageous stories, her constant zest for life. She had a way of making the ordinary extraordinary, of turning the mundane into the magical. And while she may no longer be with us in body, her spirit, her joy, her humor lives on in each of us.

So, as we say goodbye to Millie today, let’s not do it with tears and sorrow. Instead, let’s do it with laughter and joy. Let’s remember her not for the fact that she’s gone, but for the fact that she lived, and oh boy, did she live!

Let’s remember the time she decided to dye her hair purple because she wanted to “stand out in a crowd.” Let’s remember the time she showed up to a formal event in a chicken suit because she’d misunderstood the theme. Let’s remember the time she chased a raccoon out of our kitchen wielding nothing but a spatula.

Yes, my mother was a character. She was the life of the party, the spark in our lives, the woman who taught us that it’s okay to be a little weird, a little different, a little outrageous. She was our beacon of light in a world that can often be too serious, too somber.

So, here’s to Millie, the woman who lived life on her own terms, who loved with all her heart, who laughed with all her soul. May we all strive to live with the same joy, the same passion, the same unabashed zest for life.

Rest in peace, mom. I hope wherever you are, you’re wearing the brightest, sparkliest outfit, telling the corniest jokes, and living it up just like you always did. We love you, we miss you, and we promise to keep laughing, just like you taught us.

Goodbye, Millie. You were, without a doubt, the best mother a kid could ask for. And the funniest, too.

Ready to Begin? Start Your Eulogy Journey Now.

Writing a eulogy doesn’t have to be a daunting task. At MemoryCherish, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Honor your loved one’s life with a well-written eulogy that tells their story.

Ready to Share Your Mother's Life Story?

Losing a loved one is a deeply personal and challenging experience. At this difficult time, we understand the importance of celebrating their life and keeping their memory alive. That’s why our team of compassionate and experienced eulogy writers is here to help you share your loved one’s life story in a meaningful and memorable way.

Writing a eulogy allows us to pay tribute, to shed light on their character, their journey, their joys, and even their struggles. It’s not only a chance to share with others the person you knew and loved but also an opportunity for healing and closure.

Whether you wish to evoke cherished memories, share funny stories, highlight their career achievements, or simply express the love and respect you feel, we are here to support you. We will work closely with you to ensure that your loved one’s story is told with the care, respect, and love it deserves.

We invite you to reach out to us and start this important process. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you, offering our expertise in eulogy writing, our understanding of the grieving process, and our commitment to honoring your loved one’s life.

Ready to Honor Your Loved One with a Beautiful Eulogy?


Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered

Here, we address common questions and concerns about the process of crafting a eulogy, public speaking at a funeral, and more.

Our team of eulogy writers at MemoryCherish is experienced and professional, with over 47 years of combined experience crafting heartfelt eulogies. Our US-based writers take pride in their ability to capture the true essence of your loved one, weaving in memories and stories to create a fitting tribute for the memorial service.

We encourage you to explore other eulogy writers online to ensure that you are making an informed decision. At MemoryCherish, we stand out for our personalized and compassionate approach to eulogy writing, our quick turnaround times, and unlimited revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final product. We also offer sample eulogies on our website to show you the quality of our work.

At MemoryCherish, your perfectly written eulogy costs just $197. Our transparent pricing ensures that there are no hidden costs or additional charges.

At MemoryCherish, we require payment upfront to ensure that we can deliver the highest quality eulogy possible. We also offer unlimited revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final product & even a full money-back guarantee.

We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to eulogies, which is why we offer a deadline-friendly turnaround time. We can deliver your eulogy in as little as six hours if you indicate so on the order form.

At MemoryCherish, we understand that every person’s life story is unique, which is why we work closely with you to gather information about your loved one. Our empathetic eulogy writers will provide a questionnaire to fill out and submit to ensure that every detail is captured accurately.

At MemoryCherish, we pride ourselves on providing personalized and unique eulogies for every client. Our writers never use a template or fill in the blanks. Instead, we take the time to get to know your loved one’s life, accomplishments, and personality to create a fitting tribute.

At MemoryCherish, we aim to write eulogies that are around a thousand words in length, with additional length available if more content is provided. The best eulogies tend to be around seven to ten minutes when read aloud at the funeral or memorial service, fitting the length of our eulogy speeches.

At MemoryCherish, our empathetic and compassionate writers work to ensure that the eulogy reflects your loved one’s life, personality, and values. We take the time to get to know you and your loved one, allowing us to create a eulogy that resonates with you and your family members.

Of course! We at MemoryCherish understand that writing a eulogy can be difficult, especially in a time of loss. If you have already written a eulogy and need help refining and editing it, our empathetic writers can assist you. Simply fill out our questionnaire, highlight the parts you want to improve on and send us the eulogy, and we will edit it and get it back to you promptly. Our standard fee applies.

We pride ourselves on offering unlimited revisions to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final eulogy. If there are any changes you’d like to make to the eulogy, let us know, and we’ll make those changes promptly.

At MemoryCherish, our experienced and professional eulogy writers charge just $197 to write your eulogy. Other companies charge between $300-$800 for the same service.